Monday, November 29, 2010

Cerita best :D *SS*

Dua or tiga malam yang lepas, ada misscall at almost 3AM.
guess whoooo? :D
aww aww. at first aku langsung tak teringat number siapa.
but seems so familiar.

then teliti sepuluh kali atau lebih, baru teringat.
aww awwww number IA! haha
i know, its so typical of him to misscall me at odd times.
then he'll say tersalah tekan.
so, aku perli dia, "whats with the misscall at almost 3am in the morning?tertekan lagi?"
i thought he wont reply.
but, he replied. he said, "saja call, haha"
i was like "wthell is wrong with himmmm? apahal mcm baik pulak?"
but nevermind.
eventhough its just a misscall and short texts, i, still happy. haha!
okay thats all byeee :)


  1. eleleleleh suka lah tu suka lahtu. haha.
    eh awak byk cerita pasal IA, IA tu Han eh ?

  2. kepala hotak hang. ada nama dia dekat dekat dengan IA ke? HAHAHA
    tak lah. IA tu irfan atiffe :DD
