Sunday, November 21, 2010

Anugerah Jerit.

Shoutawards 2010 was quite dissapointing.
The sound system was bad, the ticket management sucks, the crowd were not that awesome.
The lineups were just so-so.

But, theres something awesome which is, theres 3 effin hotties sitting in front of me *eyebrows*
I was attracted to the silent one. HAHAHA
My friend dared me to ask for his facebook, but I didnt. No way! :P

So the shoutawards finished at almost 12,
I went out, then I saw Alif, he was efffin cute! and tall.
So I called his name, then he turned around, then he smiled and waved.
Awww hes so cuuutteee! haha

so I waited for my brother and his friends and whatever.
While 'cuci mata' outside of the stadium.
Theres hotties everywhere. *eyebrows eyebrows* HAHA
I saw a guy who I met at worldstage last year. but didnt greet him.
Then took some pictures of myself. HAHA

So at 1, we ciaoz.
Went for supper at NC,
Then went home.

And, I heard that my Red devils won 2-0.
Chelsea lost 1-0.
Arsenal lost also.
*sorry i speak broken english*

Omygod. chelsea lost again? ;P

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