Nampak si cantik yang bermata sepet ni?
Ini Imera.
Dia telah membuat post pasal saya dalam blog saya. Dan ini, adalah post untuk dia pulaaa :)
A friend like you is a friend i dont regret meeting
A friend like you is like a friend I cant scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life
A friend like you is a friend that I dont want to lose
A friend like you is like being in comfort all day
A friend like you is a friend I always wanted
A friend like you is awesomly awesome
A friend like you is random and funny
A friend like you is a friend that I love to death and i will never let go
A friend like you is a friend I can tell all my secrets to
A friend like you is like the sister I've always wanted
A friend that I can go to to tell you whats wrong
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up
A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do
A friend like you is a friend I am proud to call my best friend :)
Maaflah saya tak la creative nak buat poem sendiri. So I googled. And I found this poem from Jenni Cortes.
Why I choose this poem for you?
Its true that you're a friend I'll never regret meeting
Its true that you're a friend I would never scream at or fight with
Its true that you're like a friend who makes me feel having no worries in my life
Its true that you're a friend that I don't ever want to lose
Its true that you're like a friend who makes me feel being in comfort all day
Its true that you're a friend I always wanted
Its true that you're awesomly awesome
Its true that you're random and funny
Its true that you're a friend that I love to death and I will never let go
Its true that you're a friend I can tell all my secrets to
Its true that you're like the sister I've always wanted
Its true that you're a friend that I can go to to tell you whats wrong
Its true that you're a friend who makes me feel like having no dark days because you brighten them up
Its true that you're a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
Its true that you're a type of friend that laughs at dumb things I say or do
Its true that you're a friend I am absolutely proud to call my best friend ♥
Mula mula kenal imera ni memang terharu gila sebab dia ajak join community dia. ELZIO Community.
Terharu la orang hot ajak orang tak hot macam kita ni join community dia.
Memang first impression, "woah baik gila dia ni. hot tapi tak sombong :)"
Then lepas tu rapat gila lah kat Myspace kan. Kenal dengan budak budak comm tu :)
Sampai la satu ketika, kitorang meet.
Masa mula mula meet, takut gila. sebab macam taktahu nak cakap apa. hihi.
Tapi dah lepastu, makin rapat. Setakat ni dah 3 or 4 kali kot jumpa dia ni.
Tapi still ada perasaan takut takut sebab Imera macam garang. Heh. Sorrry.
Moga moga lepas ni ada lagi masa nak meet you dengan others.
Almaklumlah, sekarang kan semua orang busy dengan hal masing masing.
Oh by the way, I sukaaa you sebab you lawa tapi tak sombong.
You baik, you nampak je garang tapi sebenarnya you tak, you punya mata sepet so cantik, you punya baju selalu lawa lawa. hihi
Oh anddd you peramah! :)
So selama dah setahun lebih kita kawan, I rasa happy. haha. You've been such a great friend. And I dah anggap you macam kakak I sendirii :)
Hopefully we'll still be friends and sisters sampaiii bila bila.
All those laughs we shared, are great memories of you and me.
Semoga awak terus kekal bahagia dalam kehidupan awak okay cik sepet yang cantik? Hehe :D
Oh and probably saya takkan dengan orang yang saya suka kat sekolah tu kot sebab dia dah ada orang punya :(
Doakan saya dapat orang yang baik and boleh kekal lama macam awak dengan MF awak tuu. Korang sweet. Hihi
Lastly, I Love You && I Miss You Imera! :)
-Nurul Akmal Lokman- (:
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