Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here a little fact :)

Nowadays its hard to find the OneInAMillion guy.

For guys, they didnt want to have a relationship or being so in love with a girl because he might have been hurt before and he is afraid that thing might happen again if he trusts or give all his love to a girl.
And for girls, its the same.

I admit, I'm not in a relationship, its because of this reason.
I'm just 'paranoid' of being hurt again.
Whenever someone proposes me, there will be few questions.
-'Does he really loves me?'
-'Why does he likes me?'
-'Is he gonna be the one?'
-'What if he proposes just for fun?'
-'What if he'll hurt me?'
These are some of the examples of questions that I'll ask to myself.
Sometimes, I'll just ask the guy few questions. Its not a sign to reject, but its just a 'test' to see how he reacts towards such questions.
And when I got the answers, some of it are just not good enough to be accepted.
So for what I wanna put myself for another heartbreak?

Aku tak cakap la yang aku tak trust guys.
Its just that, aku susah sikit nak trust. After what had happened since aku punya first relationship, aku anggap semua benda pasal couple ni macam main main especially bila orang nakkan aku.
Bukan la nak bangga ke apa, tapi ada la kan dah dua tiga orang propose time aku dah sebulan lebih single ni, tapi, aku memang anggap semua benda tu just another sweetalks untuk aku jadi bahan diorang.
I mean, macam, kalau dia dapat couple dengan aku, and dia game aku, of course la rasa bangga kan?
Aku taktahu kenapa benda tu macam melekat kat mind aku.
Aku hanya mampu gelak dan mengelak bila orang propose aku.

Memang aku ada keinginan nak in a relationship balik, but, mungkin sekarang bukan masanya kot?
Aku nak cuba pegang record single aku for sometime, then tengok lah kalau kalau ada yang boleh betul betul yakinkan aku and buat aku betul betul nak relationship, then, aku terima.
Sebab kita taktahu apa akan jadi kan? :)

Aku taktahu kenapa kali ni aku tulis panjang panjang ni.
Tak kena dengan tajuk langsung.
Okay sekarang nak pergi stalk pujaan hati, Kbye, :)

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