Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello :)
Harini ada satu benda yang menarik Nurul Akmal binti Lokman ini untuk berblog :)

Cerita hari ini, Kahwin Muda :)
*tak, memang tak sama dengan imam muda kat tv tu :P

Ya, kahwin muda memang la typical kalau zaman nenek2 kita dulu kan? :)
No saya bukan nak bercakap pasal zaman itu.
Saya mahu bercakap tentang zaman sekarang :)

I did read a blog, about a girl.
Dia kahwin at the age of 16, yeah just older a year than me :)
She's married, OFFICIALLLY married, its not another couple thingy okay.
Her husband is a 24 year old guy, a tahfiz ustaz kot?
Yes, i believe, AGE IS JUST A NUMBER. :)

Diorang baru je kahwin, and they look perfect :)

kadang2, orang akan cakap,

"kenapa kahwin muda? bukan ke time tu is the time to enjoy school life and whatsoever?"

Its true, tapi kalau dah jodoh tu sampai, nak buat mcm mane kan?
And if you choose the right guy or girl, it wont harm you even if you wanted to get married at the age of 16 righhttt ? :)

In my opinion,
Kahwin muda, like, school years, its not wrong. theres nothing wrong with it :)
You just have to choose the right one.

For Ema, semoga perkahwinan anda bahagia ke anak cucu cicit dan keakhir hayat :)

Dan sekarang masuk cerita baru.
Aunty saya sudah bertanya, amacam PMR? dan saya hanya menjawab, BOLEH LAA.
dan dia langsung2 nya berkata, ALAH APA SUSAH, TAK PASS, KAHWIN KAN AJE.
dan saya tertanya tanya, adakah tahun depan ada orang akan buat entri pasal saya kahwin muda sebab tak pass exam?

Do give your opinions on this entry :)


  1. Huh, mudanya Kahwin. Bagus rr, ramai anak..

  2. I don't think there's anything wrong kalau kahwin muda although ramai cakap bila kahwin tak dapat experience this and that. Enjoy la and stuff. Miss banyak opportunity. But for me, being with the person you love the most. No, no. Married to the person you love the most is the combination of all the experience and enjoyable time you'll be able to have in the world :)


  3. Hahaha ! nurul, i cant imagine if you kahwin next year. seriously. yang akan buat entri next year untuk you tu adalah i ! hahahah :D

  4. thanks..All..:)
    aminn.. atas doa nyee",
