Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh Em Geee :O

akuOVERthePAGAR said...
eventhough we always fight on small things, still, my love fr u all wont fade away :)

awwww....stop it.... *blushing* siap ade name aku lagik! hehehe... my love for u wont fade as well!! we'll be bonded for eternity...even if death set us apart, u'll always live on as the sun shines..and the stars shimmers...

(dipetik dari telenovela 'aqureladiovarpagar')

he made me cry with this. wtf?
terharuuu siaaaakkk. serius terharrruuuuu.
eventhough he always caryk my salah, like hell as always, tapi dye syg aku doee. hahahah !

serious terharu. boleh kene h1n1 teruss nii . :P

aku still bace berulang kali. hahaha. aku tgok name penghantar. bia betol ?
:O :O :O :O :O :O

serious gilaa tkejut punye :P
tak ku sangka si over pagar ni mcm ni. HAAHAHAHA.

yo ma brotha, u've managed to stalk my blog :P


  1. *awwww stop it* u made me homesick all of sudden!!! :P anyway, after this, aku dh xkan letak name...i'll just b a silent reader..baru la 'thrill' agar dpt ku hidu segale tindak-tanduk-hantuk mu itu!! hehehe....

    love,hugs,kisses,smelly-breath,keti-bachen, ADIE!

  2. HAHAHAHA hell la u :)

    iloveyou lah big ass :)
