Sunday, October 30, 2011

30th October :)

Happy Birthday To Youuuu,
Happy Birthday To Youuu,
Happy Birthday To Akmall Arief, 
Happy Birthday To Youuu :)

Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran yang ke 20 lebih. hehe :D
May Allah SWT bless you always.
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, cepat kahwin :D
Hopefully success and happiness will fill up your days.
Happy Birthday again! :)
p/s; gambar ni dah dua tahun berturut ni buat wish birthday. tahun depan kena la ada gambar lain. hehehe

생일 축하,
생일 축하,
에게 생일 축하 Fatin Fatini,
생일 축하 :)

Happy Sixteenth Birthday Nini!
May Allah bless you always.
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki :)
May success awaits you in whatever you do.
and hopefully your sixteen will be filled up with lots of happiness.
I love youuu :*

p/s ; sorry its just a simple wish post. nak beli hadiah tak ada bajet. nak buat ayat gempak gempak tak reti. so, sorry.
tapi, ni last lagu untuk korang,

Allah selamatkan kamu,
Allah selamatkan kamu,
Allah selamatkan Akmall Arief & Fatin Fatini,
Allah selamatkan kamu :)

Have a wonderful birthday ! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Okay harini nak update jugak. Sebab pasal frinjan. ngeh :D

Setelah berbulan bulan bulan tak pergi Frinjan, harini dapat pergi! berbekalkan kelapangan masa yang ada. hee :D

Memang tak pernah pernah saya buat kerja gila, pergi Frinjan seorang diri! tanpa contact siapa siapa pun mula mula.
Dan lepas tu teringat Abang Akmall Arief. yg juga kaki frinjan. haha.
So memang dia pergi, jumpa sana je la.
Sampai sana, ramaiii orang.
Nampak Lisa, Adek, Ayin, Kimi, Aqem, Iman, Saifuddin.
Jumpa Azirul and Faris, Petak, Fatin.
Beli 2 zine, satu rantai.
Watched few performances.

So objektif untuk membeli zine tercapai walaupun nama penulis zine yg aku beli agak asing buat aku.
Mungkin buat aku je sebab dah lama tak menjinakkan diri dengan frinjan dan orang orang nya.
Dan terima kasih orang orang yang mengisi slot foreveralone aku harini.
Baru aku tahu betapa gilanya aku keluar sorang sorang macam tu.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A week +

Okay its been a week + I didnt update my blog.
I just dont have the time and things to update about.

So, on the 24th October, it was my 16th birthday.
Well, it was just fine. Last year was way better.
But I really appreciate all those wishes and the celebration that was given.
I dont have anything to talk about turning sixteen actually.
Its just, I'm getting OLDER. so yeah, OLD -.-

On the 25th, I went to Janda Baik. with my cousins.
I had a good time with them.
Staying up late, running in the rain, sleeping outdoor . Close to the nature.
Well, it did pull me away from thinking about school or whatever shht.

And today, I thought of going out with someone, but tak jadi. well nvm.
so I decided not to go anywhere with some other people.
except fr my family members.
still, I sat at home, doing nothing. I dont really have the mood to go out with anyone actually today.
And probably tomorrow or Saturday or even Sunday, I'm not going out.
I think so. eventhough I reaalllyyy wanna go out, but, when I think of going out again, no. I have no friends to go out with. everyone's busy with their own lovelife. -.-

I think thats all. not in the mood of updating. so probably not gonna update till i feel like updating. that might be in another few days, or a week, or week +
kbye. assalamualaikum :)
have a very great day readers. takecare!

Monday, October 17, 2011

I hate it. I hate it.  I hate it. Padan muka kau, siapa suruh bodoh sangat. Tanggung la kau sorang nurul oi.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A very quick update.

Exam setakat ni okay je.
Kawan kawan okay jugak kot. Except for the fact terpaksa menjaga hati orang orang yang dah tak sehaluan sekarang.
Sekolah? Hm exam lah.
Rumah? Bersepah seperti selalu
Relationship? Alhamdulillah, penuh kesabaran dan senyuman.
Lain lain? okay je kot. tak ada apa nak dibisingkan atau dirungutkan.

Bersyukur masih ada nafas untuk hari ini :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I felt, backstabbed.

Okay today nak buat post luahan rasa. It might be panjang, it might not. But for sure, its typed, with tears rolling down.

I never thought, people who I always believed or the ones that I loved, turned out to be someone who I cant actually believe.
Well, this post doesnt refers to my soulmates.

Today, I added 3 names to the list of THE PEOPLE WHO I SHOULDN'T BELIEVE ANYMORE.
This might sound mean, but its just true. I cant trust 100% of these fothermuckers anymore.

I'm hurt. To see what these 3 have been talking about me, behind my back.
Why dont they just confront me and tell me that they didnt like it?
Why do they have to talk to each other with the, "eh jangan bagitahu nurul pulak yg kita......" "eh you jgn cerita pulak dekat dia yg i cakap macam ni pasal......."
That hurts me. Seriously.
Because if you guys are just talking about me, its fine with me. But when it involves other people around me, thats so not fine.
Tak boleh ke just tanya directly the whys and hows?

Okay. First person, lets just label A.
Whats your problem with me? I know you're someone whom I can trust but seriously, do you have to meddle and messed up every single thing that happens in my life?
Dont you have your own life?
Wait, you're my parents is it? Eh no you're not. So please, just stop this.
Sikit sikit boleh la, tapi bila dah lebih lebih tu, melampau la. Mak bapak aku pun tak bising macam kau.
Kau ni memang celaka haram siallllll. Sorry to say this. Kau tu tak bagus mana k? So takpayah kecoh satu dunia yang kau bagus. Cukup cukup la tanggung dosa sendiri tu eh. Bila kau buat macam ni, macam makin bertambah pulak dosa kau. kesian kau.

Next, we're gonna label B.
I never thought you would say such things. Well, you're one of the most closest person to me among them.
But how could you? Dulu cakap dengan aku lain, sekarang ni cerita dah lain pulak.
Oh depan aku nak support aku, cakap la baik baik kan?
Bila dengan A, kau cerita macam babi kan?
Beragak sikit weh. Aku tahu, memang korang ada masalah, tapi kau kena ingat jugak, dengan lain orang, lain perangainya. Contoh paling dekat, kau la sekarang ni. Dengan aku kau baik gila cerita itu ini, dengan A, kau lain perangai. Come on la. Kenapa tak cakap dengan aku je depan depan?
Kalau benda tu macam serious gila yang memang boleh mendatangkan kemarahan aku, aku faham lagi la kan kenapa tak cakap terus. Tapi, pasal benda yang aku mungkin boleh tolerate lagi, nak sorok? Kau takut dengan aku ke? :O aku ni lagi muda dari kau kot.

Lastly, labelled as C.
You're someone whom I trust so much. I put my trust on you almost 100%.
But I'd never thought that you'll go telling A this and that.
Kau tak kenal A tu macam mana, and you gave the wrong cerita. So, you're ruining my life too.
You're helping me to suffer.
Thanks a lot to you then.
You really made me cried today.
I know you might be the one reading this, so, takpayah tegur aku lagi k? Cukup cukup la dah buat aku suffer macam ni, :)

I'm sorry to say, I just cant believe you guys anymore. You guys really hurt me this time. You guys left me with thousands of question marks, and you guys left me in a very hard situation.
Dont be suprised if I chose some other people instead of you guys.  I really cant trust you guys anymore.
You guys are ruining my 16 year old life, and you guys are messing up with my life.

Kalau kau terasa ni pasal kau, please, FUCK OFF. go away.
Aku takkan cakap dengan korang. Selagi korang tak minta maaf, sujud dekat kaki aku.
Aku peduli apa korang semua lagi tua dari aku pun.
Aku tak boleh nak baik dengan orang yang tak reti nak respect orang lain.
Korang lagi tua dari aku, patutnya korang tahu apa yang boleh and tak boleh korang buat.
Enough said.
Korang semua penipu.
Thanks a  lot for backstabbing me. Thanks a lot for killing me.
Nevermind, I'll die. Tapi ingat, aku tak maafkan korang. :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Final Exam dah datang :D

Well, the final examination starts tomorrow. I'm so damn nervous actually.
But paper minggu ni takde la risau takat bm bi tu.
Start minggu depan punya paper tu yang resah gelisah sikittt. haisyh.
So I dont think I'll be updating much. especially my blog.
mungkin update status fb je kot hari hari. kalau nak update blog, kena cari idea nak tulis apa which takes time. hehe

okay whatever it is, lets just face the final examination.
insyaAllah, I'll do my very best to make my parents proud :)
oh and to get money from the results. ngehhehehe :D
kbye :D

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Let me tell you, I'm damn pissed off.

Well, eventhough kau rapat dengan aku sekali pun, aku tetap ada rasa benci kau.

Aku cakap terus terang, lantak la orang nak cakap apa. Aku tak kisah !
Sekarang ni, aku memang tak puas hati langsung dengan kau.

Kau tahu tak, aku TAK PERNAH langsung judge kawan kawan kau?
yang kau sibuk sibuk nak judge kawan kawan aku kenapa?
dah tak ada life nak sibuk?!

Here let me tell you, why I respect my friends more than I respect you,

  • Eventhough diorang teruk macam mana sekalipun, diorang tak pernah judge orang ikut sedap mulut diorang macam diorang bagus sangat.
  • Walaupun diorang cuma kawan aku, sekurang-kurangnya diorang selalu ada untuk aku bila aku nak cerita. Kau TAK PERNAH ada !
  • Seteruk teruk diorang pun, diorang tahu nak respect other people's privacy. unlike you. you love to mess other people's life.
  • My parents pun tak kisah aku kawan dengan siapa, yang kau nak sibuk lebih lebih aku kawan dengan siapa apahal? Kau rasa aku kisah ke ha? Kau ingat kau cukup bagus nak jaga aku? Hello, JAGA DIRI KAU SENDIRI TU DULU !
  • Kawan kawan aku, bila diorang tengok aku senang, diorang tumpang senang, bukan macam kau yang tak boleh tengok aku senang. Ergh!
  • Mulut diorang tahu lagi budi bahasa sopan santun. Kau? Heh tanya diri sendiri ah.

Seriously, aku tak pernah luah benci aku pada blog. Tapi bila dah macam ni, maknanya memang aku dah benci betul la tu. BOTH MIDDLE FINGER FOR YOU ! :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Entri nak dekat exam.

Sekarang pukul 4.50 PAGI.
Ye awal pagi buta. saya sedang online sebab tak boleh nak tidur.
as usual, sleeping disorder. sebab saya hanya tidur 3 jam harini.
esok entah macam mana la pergi sekolah kan.

Well, minggu depan 12hb dah nak start exam.
Tapi diri ni macam nak taknak je study nya.
Semua malas. Nak kata asyik tidur, tak jugak. Tiap tiap malam tidur lambat, tanpa motif.
Malam ni, suppose buat homework yang kena hantar esok, tapiii, tak siapkan pun.
Lantak la apa nak jadi esok. Paling paling pun kena cubit or kena bebel yang memang tak pernah mendatangkan apapa effect pada diri budak degil macam saya ni.
Lagipun mood tak ada untuk buat benda benda yang kena fikir. sebab kepala otak ni asyik berfikir dari siang -.-
Heh mesti orang yang tengah baca ni dalam haati dia cakap, "typical nurul. sikit2 moody. sikit2 tak ada mood. sikit2 emo."
Well, its just me. Saya ni memang orang yang cepat moody pasal benda benda kecil. Harap maaf bagi yang tak suka tu ye.

Saya memang dah berazam, minggu  ni nak start revise sikit2 every subject.
So ada la dah start sikit with addmaths and bio.
Saya juga berazam untuk score at least B for my bio, physics, chemistry, sejarah and maths. and at least C for my addmaths.
as for bm and english, i dont think i'll have problems to score A. or at least A-
as for agama, i really hope i could score an A+ again :)

so, i just need to work smart. i dont want any Ds anymore. I want my results to be only A B and C :)

and me and my friends planned a study group starting from this saturday.
we'll go to the library, study together. so, by that way, i could actually study.

thats all. good morning. :D

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4th October 2011,

*breathe in*
Happy Birthday To Youu,
Happy Birthday To Youu,
Happy Birthday To Ainaaaa,
Happy Birthday To Youuu! :)

May Allah bless you always, may all your wishes come true :)
Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki.
And hopefully your life will filled up with loads and loads of happiness and success.

Sorry theres no present, hehe
Well, I dont even know where are youu. so how to give present rightt?
FYI, I'll always remember your birthday tau! hehe
I wanted to be the first to wish, but, I dont know how :|
So I made this post. :)

I know you wont read this.
Whatever it is,
I hope you're always fine and great wherever and whenever.
And I also hope that you're safe wherever you are.
We miss you a lot. :'(

Again, happy 18th birthday sister ! I love you a lot. We're the cute october babies kannnnn. haha :D

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Unplanned :)

Assalamualaikum and hello readers :)

So, 1st october 2011.
Its one of my best buddies' birthday. its Meme's birthdaaayy! :D
So Nani planned a suprise birthday party for Meme.
and she doesnt want him to celebrate it without his friends so she invited me and some of other friends.
sama je macam what Meme did for Nani's suprise party. diorang memang meant to suprise each other. haha sweet habis :D

Okay so we makan cake, then we went for LASERTAAAGG at icity. hehe
it was incredibly fun !
seriously, you guys should try to play. sorry i batak sikit ye dengan lasertag harini sebab first time main. haha
oh and and, first time main, i was in the 4th place out of 16 ! yeaaay! hehehe :D

okay thats all. habis tu, go kfc, makan, then balik.
tapi time kat kfc tu tiba tiba plan, jom gi tengok bola malam ni.
so,. JOOOMMM. haha

Played with aliff ariff and harith.
then maghrib, siap siap go stadiuum! :D

so tengok football.

pukul 12 jalan balik rumah. okay 1230 baru sampai rumah sebab jalan lembab. hahaha

okay dah penat nak cerita. haiyo.

Goodnight and sweetdreams people :D

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October :)

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening :)

Well, its OCTOBER already!
Yeay! hehe.
For me, this is my favourite month.
Becausee, I like number 10, and my birthday is on this month. heh :D
And and I suka October cause its like towards the end of school days :D

So, this October, I have to get prepared for my final exams that will be starting on 12th October.
i'm not so sure actually if I'm well prepared for it.
I tell you what, throughout this year, I dont think I had complete all homeworks given even just ONE subject.
that shows how teruk I am kan.
But I'm quite confident that for the early papers, I'll probably get to score. cause its just papers like BM, BI, Agama.
I'm just not sure about my Addmaths, Chemistry, Bio anddd Sejarah -.-
As for Maths and Physics, I think I might improve my marks. ngeh :D

K whatever.
Enough membebel atas kemalasan diri sendiri.

Oh and this October, ramai orang punya birthday. hihi.
But me as usual, mana bagi org hadiah. jst wish yg ikhlas je. tak mampu lerws nak bagi hadiah. haha!

K dah dah la tu taktahu apa nak cerita. BYE :D